Your Cova vault is a secure place to keep things that matter to you. Primarily copies of things you would want your loved ones to access in the event of eventualities.
Video Storage: You can store video messaging for your loved ones in your Cova vault.
Copies of Crucial Documents: Manage digital copies of documents using Cova vault. One of our users shared that he's keeping details of debtors using his Cova vault. 😃
Memorable Photos: Create memories of events they want their loved ones to access in the future using their Cova Vault.
Special notes: You can create notes of important events or messages you would love your beneficiaries to access in the future.
Cova's vault feature provides a way to securely keep documents and files that are important to you and with a tool that let's you decide how, when and who gets your information in the event you stopped using your Cova account. Everyone is getting more creative using Cova, and we love the feedback we are getting. Create your own Cova account now