What should be on your asset portfolio?

Your assets are things of present or future value owned by you or your household. Common examples of personal assets include:

Cash and cash equivalents: certificates of deposit, checking, savings accounts, money market accounts, physical cash, Treasury bills, mutual funds, funds in your investment accounts like Risevest, Chaka, Wealthfront, Piggyvest, and more.

Real Estate: Property, land and any permanently attached structure to it, ownership of apartments, etc.

Personal property: These include vehicles, boats, collectibles, household furnishings, jewelry, and other things owned in your name.

Investments: annuities, bonds, the cash value of life insurance policies, mutual funds, pensions, retirement plans (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.), stocks.

Your Digital Assets: Your Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrency you own, your NFT, your social media accounts (For people with accounts of value).

Art: Your highly valued paintings, sculptures, and other works of art that you own.

Intellectual Property: Copyrights held in your name, patents of your works, and other forms of  intellectual property (IP)
It is gradually becoming difficult for an average family to keep track of everything they own, primarily as these assets are held in different places and work differently. So how do you keep track of all your assets in a constantly evolving world? A tool like Cova helps you track and manage all your assets in one place and create innovative estate planning.